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Signs Your Senior Needs In-Home Care

senior home care santa clarita warning signsIt might not always be obvious that your parent or loved one is beginning to have issues living independently here in Santa Clarita. It is important to know the signs that point to a need for senior in-home care to ensure your loved one is provided for and safe in their home.

Living Conditions

While not everyone keeps house to the same standard, it can be a clear indication a senior needs help if the care of the household has shown a clear decline. Is mail piling up? Normally clean counter-tops cluttered, or dishes left in the sink?

The changes might be subtle, so it can be helpful to ask friends and family if they notice any differences in the upkeep of the home. This is especially important to do if you do not live in the same area as your elder family member.


One way to make sure your senior is taking proper care of themselves is to take stock of the pantry and refrigerator. If there does not seem to be a variety of foods with nutritional value, your family member might be struggling with meal preparation or grocery shopping.

There are multiple reasons which could cause this, but whether your senior is suffering more from physical ailments or memory loss, a senior in-home caregiver can provide the help needed to ensure a proper diet.

Personal Care

Another important sign is the state of your senior’s personal care. Have you noticed their appearance become more disheveled or unkempt? Or maybe they do not seem to be showering with much frequency, changing out of sleeping clothes, or getting to the hair salon or barber. These can indicate issues with mobility or otherwise. A senior in-home provider can assist your family member with personal hygiene or provide transportation to get them to a hair appointment.

The most important thing is to remain observant of your family member, be vigilant to signs of they might be struggling and in need of in-home care. If you think your family member needs in-home care, start with research to make sure you find the right fit for your family.

Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita could provide you with that extra help that both you and your senior need. If you would like to keep your senior in the comfort of their own home while receiving the in home care they need, visit our website to learn more about our services and download our free guide to help you make that first step.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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