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Tips for Helping a Senior Loved One Settle Into a New Home

The process of moving a senior loved one is never quite as easy as you would like. While you may think that the job is done when the move in date is set, the involvement will continue long after. Senior home care providers in Newhall understand that the involvement will only continue, since the transition for a senior into their new home can last several weeks. No matter if you are nearby or a further distance, you will still be considered a care provider by the senior, no matter what the actual living arrangements are. Some suggestions that can help smooth the transition for you and your senior loved one are highlighted here.


The Transition Phase

Your parents will benefit much more when you provide actual assistance in packing and unpacking rather than just telling them what they should and should not take when they are moving. Creating a brand new home is a highly personal and extremely emotionally process, and when you ensure a parent’s choices, rather than issue mandates about possessions, this will provide a better sense of comfort for your parents.


It may also be extremely helpful to arrange a meaningful farewell from the location where your parent is leaving. No matter if it is the family home where they resided for several decades, or a quick move from an assisted living facility to a higher level of care, it is very likely that your parent has established a relationship with that place and saying goodbye will help to provide a sense of closure.


Creating an Environment that Feels Familiar

If there are any questions regarding what should be taken, it is a good idea to hang on to “stuff” for a bit longer, even if the new space is tight. Possessions are able to be discarded later on, after there is plenty of thoughtful contemplation. You should not rush these decisions when you are moving a senior, especially if they are having difficulty with them.


Creating a familiar environment when moving a senior loved one, instead of purchasing brand new items, can help to ease the adjustment. This makes the location seem much more welcoming making the transition that much easier.


Senior home care services in Santa Clarita understands how the transition process can be difficult and overwhelming for seniors. Additionally, they can help adult children ease this transition by making the process comforting for their parents. Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita has home health care providers that are available to help and that will help with any type of transition for seniors.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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