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Professional Senior Caregivers Can Give you Your Life Back

Comfort Keepers Santa Clarita In Home CareIt is a difficult transition when an elderly loved one can no longer take care of themselves. Many families will step up and assume a caregiver role without realizing the amount of work that goes into caring for a senior. When the stress and duties are no longer manageable, consider using professional senior caregiving services in Santa Clarita.

Your Own Mental Health is Important

Being a good caregiver means taking care of your own mental and physical health first and foremost. What begins with well-intentions and caring for a loved one, leads to exhaustion, stress, and ultimately caregiver burnout. Fortunately, there are some red flags that can help you determine if you are burned out and require some assistance with your elderly loved one.

Caregiver Burnout

Some of the most common signs of caregiver burnout are similar to those of stress and depression. You may notice that you are withdrawing from your friends and family, you feel irritable, you experience a change in your appetite or weight, and you lose interest in activities you normally enjoy. Often times, family members assume the caregiver role on top of their full time careers, which sets personal expectations too high. You may be hoping to make a big impact on your loved one’s life, but this isn’t always a realistic possibility in your realm of control.  Another point of frustration is the lack of resources, money, and even skills to care for an elderly loved one.

Reduce Burnout With Professional Caregiver Help

There are some easy ways to minimize caregiver burnout. First off, be sure to set realistic goals. When balancing a career, immediate family, and caregiving duties, it’s okay to seek help from professional caregivers like Santa Clarita Comfort Keepers. Another important strategy is to have a social support group where you can talk about your emotions and obstacles you are facing, whether it is talking with a friend, therapist, organized support group, or a spouse. Most importantly, be sure to take care of your own well-being first and foremost, so you can be a lifeline to your loved one.

If you are taking care of an elderly loved one, and are beginning to experience caregiving burnout, be sure to contact Santa Clarita Comfort Keepers. Our expert team of caregivers can lend you a helping hand and give you the break you desperately need to get your own life back on track.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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