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Tips for Wandering Seniors

As a person ages, their mind will not be what it once was and they may begin to forget things here and there. Although being a bit forgetful in your old age is perfectly normal, there is a fine line between this and the early signs of dementia. When a senior has dementia, it not only affects them, but the people around them as well. Among the biggest problems that caregivers and family members of dementia patients have is in regards to them wandering off. Many statistics show that nearly 70 percent of all dementia patients will wander at one time or another. Here are a few tips that you can use to deal with the wandering senior in your life.Senior Wandering

Focus on Their Surroundings

The first thing that you need to really focus on when trying to reduce wandering in a senior citizen is their environment. You want to make every effort to make sure that their surroundings stay consistent and that you implement routines around the time that they like to wander. By offering a snack or meal near the time that they like to wander, you will be able to take their mind off of leaving and focus it more on the routine you have created.

Make it a Group Effort

When trying to keep the senior citizen in your life from wandering, you need to get as much help from the people around you as possible. Be sure to alert the neighbors in the area about the problem you are facing so they can act should they see your senior somewhere they should not be. The more help that you have during this process, the easier it will be to keep the senior in your life safe and in their home.

Arm Yourself with Information

Another smart thing to do when you are trying to keep a senior citizen from wandering is to learn as much information about them as you can. You need to be able to tell authorities about their likes and dislikes and have a picture handy to show them. If you find yourself in a situation where your senior has wandered off, you will want to act as quickly and effectively as you possibly. By having all of this information at your disposal, you will be able to help law enforcement track down the senior citizen and get them safely back home.

When it comes to your senior loved one, chances are you want to safeguard them and ensure their overall well-being. In many cases, this may mean getting a caretaker to help. Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita offers in home care giving services to ensure that your senior loved one can maintain their independence, even in situations where they may become confused at times. Contact Comfort Keepers today for more information.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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