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Aging Care in Santa Clarita, California: Encouraging Heart Health in Senior Citizens

Slowing metabolisms, lack of exercise and poor diet can lead to weight gain and other poor health problems as we age. Misconceptions about exercise being bad for elderly people make this issue even greater as even medical professionals sometimes fail to encourage activity. It is, however, possible to increase or maintain heart health with proper nutrition, exercise and watchful care.

Starting an Exercise Routine:

  • Seniors should consult a doctor before beginning a new exercise routine to make sure there are no unknown problems or risk factors.
  • Start slowly. You didn’t get out of shape overnight, and you won’t get in shape overnight either no matter how many miles you run or pounds you lift.
  • Make small changes like taking the stairs instead of elevator and parking further away from a building to naturally build exercise into your day.
  • Remember to stretch after exercise to increase flexibility and minimize soreness.

Take Time to Relax

Just like lying around all the time isn’t good, working all the time isn’t good either. Taking the time to relax is excellent for heart health as it lowers blood pressure. Yoga, massage or simply taking the time to sit with your eyes closed and no distractions can be a great addition to your workout routine or as a separate activity.

Nutritional Tips

Nutrition is always important but as we get older we often find that poor eating habits really start to catch up to us. Here are some basic guidelines to help you manage your weight:

  • Drink water. We all need roughly 64 oz of water per day (some recommendations may be different depending on weight). Seniors have a tendency to drink less water and need to remember other liquids like coffee and juice don’t count.
  • Eat heavier, starchier meals early in the day.
  • Make sure to eat breakfast to help suppress hunger later in the day and avoid binge eating.
  • Eat your last meal at least two hours before bedtime. This will help with weight and also help you to sleep better.
  • Processed foods with high sugar and salt contents should be avoided by everyone but can be especially bad for seniors.

In-home care workers from Comfort Keepers of Santa Clarita, California can provide many services including helping you or a loved one keep up with an exercise routine and cooking proper meals. If you would like help living a healthy lifestyle or receiving assistance contact us today to find out about all our services and specially trained, compassionate staff.

Santa Clarita Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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