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An Increase in Fatal Falls Seen in Senior Citizens

As you age a major concern for many people is falling. This can cause serious injure and in some severe cases, be fatal. The fact is that there are a number of contributing factors to the increase in these falls, which with a little prevention can be minimized drastically. Once of these preventative measures is to hire a professional in home caregiver in Santa Clarita for assistance with day to day activities.Senior on Stairs

According to the National Safety Council, or NSC, the incidence of serious falls in adults over the age of 65 has increased by 112 percent from just five years ago. For elderly citizens and patients, this is worrisome news. Slips and trips may be frequent for younger adults and children, but for those who are older, the accidents and the falls can actually become life-threatening.


Reasons Behind the Increase in Fatal Falls

As the Baby Boomer generation reaches their golden years, the number of senior citizens is increasing steadily. In addition to seniors being more accident prone, a change that occurred back in 1999 in the system that is used for classifying a person’s death has increased in the quality and the accuracy of the data related to the subject.

In 2013 a study was done to help and explain this increase in fatal falls and discovered that the increase in these incidents has been related to more seniors falling on the same area where they are walking or standing. While these falls will not necessarily result in an injury that is life-threatening right away, death may take place several weeks or even months down the road due to the complications that occur from these accidents.

This does not mean that you should panic. In the majority of situations, knowledge is power and there are a number of tips that your Santa Clarita caregiver can utilize to help prevent these types of falls.


Helpful Tips for Minimizing Falls

It is important that any caregiver evaluates the senior’s environment on a daily basis to ensure that there are no potential hazards present. Creating an environment that is easy to navigate is essential in reducing the instance of accidents. This includes ensuring that routes that are commonly traveled in the home and stairs have all obstacles cleared, and items that are used regularly should be put in an accessible location.

Another important tip is to ensure there is sufficient lighting present, especially in stairways at night. It may be a good idea to install motion sensing nightlights, which are effective and affordable. Some other tips include installing grab bars and non-slip mats in bathrooms and purchasing a walking aid for any senior that seems to be unsteady on their feet.

Keep in mind there are certain medications that can play a role in reducing the instances of falls. If you are caring for a senior that is taking these, monitoring their behavior and activities is essential. The fact is that life-threatening falls can be prevented, but it is a process that takes work and one that is continuous.

If you have a senior loved one you want to ensure remains injury free when it comes to falls, contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today. Our in home caregivers will provide superior care with day to day activities for your elderly loved ones.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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