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Dangers for Seniors in Summer Heat

Elderly woman drinking waterIn Santa Clarita, senior care often involves high temperatures during the summer time.  Heat is a lethal problem—nearly 400 Americans die from high temperatures each year. Most are elderly people who frequently don’t realize when they are overheating and in danger.  The elderly just cannot tolerate the heat as well as younger adults. Health issues and medications can add to the problem. Not only do you have to adjust them for indoors, but also seniors shouldn’t be venturing out into the heat by themselves where they could risk heatstroke or death.

Protect Your Senior Loved One with These Tips

  • If your senior complains of the cold indoors, turn up the air conditioning a bit. If they won’t stay inside, have them sit on a shady porch under a ceiling fan or near a box fan.
  • To keep the house cooler without running the air conditioning, close curtains or blinds on the east side of the home during the morning, and the west side in the afternoon.
  • If the elderly person doesn’t have air conditioning or refuses to use it in a heat wave, make sure they spend at least some time in a cool air-conditioned space like a mall or theater or grocery store.
  • Offer plenty of drinks that seniors prefer, but stay away from iced coffee and other highly caffeinated drinks, or sodas loaded with sodium, which is bad for heart health. Do not serve alcohol, which is dehydrating.
  • Keep frozen treats available that have a high water and low sugar content, like sugar-free Popsicles (you can make your own using juice). Alternatively, serve fruit with high water content, like watermelon.
  • Seniors sometimes dress inappropriately for warm weather, so make sure that their clothing is lightweight, not form fitting, and light in color. Hats are useful, but make sure that they are loosely woven or ventilated so they don’t trap heat. Broad-brimmed styles help shade the entire face.
  • Stay on the alert for signs of confusion or altered mental states in seniors who are out in hot weather, as it could be a sign of heat stroke. If the elderly person should collapse or pass out, 911 should be called immediately. While you are waiting for help, remove as much clothing as possible and pour cold water all over the elderly person’s body. Should your relative come to, have a cold drink ready, as hydration is critical.

Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita offers senior caregiving services for those in need. You can’t always be there to watch over them, especially when they are venturing out into the summer heat, but we can. Our professional caregivers offer services ranging from running errands, to monitoring medications and food intake, even just being there for support and friendship. We want to take the worry and stress off you so you can enjoy your life and know that you will both be happy and safe. Visit our website to see all of our services or call us today.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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