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Family Caregiver: Caring For Yourself

caregiver stress santa claritaTaking care of a loved one is never easy, whether it is an aging parent or spouse. After all their love, sacrifice, and being there for you, how could you not be there for them? It is a responsibility you gladly take; however, constant senior care can take a toll on you. Here are a few suggestions for caregiver relief in Santa Clarita, so it is a little easier to care for your family member at home:

Look For Signs Of Caregiver Stress

Many family caregivers feel guilty when they are exhausted and overwhelmed. Wanting to rest is not a sign of weakness or your lack of commitment to your loved one. It is your body’s way of saying that you need a break. Here are some clues your body may be sending:

  • Feeling sad and overwhelmed
  • Not getting enough sleep or sleeping too much
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Frequent headaches or body pains
  • Emotions all over the board
  • Abusing alcohol, tobacco, or drugs

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have caregiver stress. Untreated stress can harm you mentally and physically.

Solutions For Relieving Caregiver Stress

See your doctor: Some of your symptoms may be signs of clinical depression. You may also have other health problems that need to be diagnosed. Talk to your doctor about your stress levels as a caregiver. You may need some medical intervention to feel better.

Let others help: Do not feel ashamed to accept help from your family. Not only do they love the person who you care for, but they also love you. When siblings take turns staying with an aging parent, then nobody bears the burden alone. If you are a caregiver for your spouse, let your adult children and grandchildren help. The break will be good for you.

Find a support group: It is refreshing to find that you are not alone in having caregiving stress. There are probably many people in your neighborhood and city who are going through the same thing. Call your local hospital or university, and see if there is a caregiver support group in your area. These meetings can offer you resources and the emotional support you need.

Take some time for yourself: Schedule help from family and friends so that you can take a breather. Spend a day shopping and buy yourself a special treat, or do some things that you enjoy. Go out of town for the weekend, and just relax. Try to get some “you” time as often as you can. Caregiver relief can refresh your body, mind, and spirit.

Consider Respite Care

Even if placing your loved one in a long-term care facility is not necessary yet, you may consider at-home respite care. Comfort Care in Santa Clarita specializes in at-home senior care. We offer respite care for aging adults, so that you as the caregiver can have a break. The caring professionals at Comfort Care know that caregiver stress is real, and we are happy to be your family member’s “home away from home.” We not only offer respite care, long-term care solutions are available as well. Call us today to learn more about how you can benefit from our services.

Comfort Keepers

23900 Lyons Ave
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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