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Healthy Senior Diet for the Holidays

senior diet holidaysWe all know the joke about eating too much during the holiday season. With endless amounts of sweet treats being exchanged by neighbors and friends, to big dinners with the entire family, food is nothing to joke about at this season. However, with obesity levels at an all time high and health issues that come along with overeating, it is crucial that we enjoy while remaining smart. Your senior is especially important when it comes to a healthy diet during the holidays. As we age, our bodies do not bounce back like they used to. A healthy senior diet is crucial to their health and mental wellbeing. Let’s discuss some holiday diet tips that any age can benefit from.

Stay Hydrated

Even if you indulge during dinner, it is important that your water intake does not go lax. Water is important for the systems within your body to work properly, especially digestion of your food. Bad digestion can cause pain and more fat retention. Seniors need to have a certain amount of water to ensure they do not get dehydrated. This serious health condition can cause hospitalization and other heath issues. Make sure your senior is drinking enough water during the holidays.

Stay Active

During the holidays, everyone is hustling and bustling. However, exercise should not go unnoticed even when you feel you are moving constantly. After you stuff yourself full of turkey and dressing, make sure you take the time to take a brisk walk or simply take a few minutes to stretch. Seniors can benefit from simply making a lap around the living room, or standing up and stretching a few times an hour. After a meal, exercise can help our bodies digest the food we just took in. This helps with fat storage and the systems throughout our bodies.

Keep it Healthy

With most people having two or three places to visit during Christmas, two or three large meals a day can be offered. It is important that we know how to indulge without absolutely overdoing it. As a senior, you may be preparing dinner for the younger generation. Or, you may be preparing dinner for your senior. Whatever the case may be, you can use different cooking methods to make dinner lighter than normal. Research healthier ways to make your favorites such as cooking mashed sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. Or, serve soup and salad for lunch at your home and a larger dinner that night.

Keep in mind that seniors have a different diet depending on their health condition. If heart disease is an issue, they will need to watch their salt and carb intake. It is important that all of us learn to watch these two big categories.

Make sure you serve many different healthier options such as salads, vegetable trays and healthy hot vegetables during your dinner. If your family is hungry prior to dinner, serve them veggies and dip for a light appetizer. There are ways to cut back without going against your traditions.

Watch What You Drink

Alcohol is sometimes present during the holidays, especially with eggnog. However, it is crucial that seniors remain careful about how much and what they drink. Alcohol can cause issues with certain medications that they may be taking and can impair functions. Seniors are at a greater fall risk and injury can occur.

Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita understands how food can bring families together. We offer specialized meal prep services for your seniors with certain dietary restrictions. If you are struggling to keep up this holiday season, call Comfort Keepers to care for that special senior.

Comfort Keepers

23900 Lyons Ave
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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