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Healthy Snacks for Seniors and Caregiver Tips

santa clarita senior care nutritionProper nutrition is an essential key to longevity, especially for the elderly. Many seniors do their best to exercise and maintain a healthy diet; however there are certain changes to their dietary needs that families and caregivers should take into consideration. Comfort Keepers are experts on in-home senior care in Santa Clarita, with some tips on proper nutrition for the elderly.

Often times, seniors have diminished appetites and they are unable to prepare meals, which leaves them dependent on a caregiver’s meals. Santa Clarita families need to ensure that their elderly loved one is meeting all of their nutritional needs through the meals they provide.

Food Restrictions and Physical Setbacks

Factors such as heart disease or diabetes requires many food restrictions, which may limit the nutrients that they intake. Teeth and gum issues make chewing difficult, which certainly eliminates nutrient rich foods from the diet. Even certain medications that seniors must take have side effects that affect their appetites, or require avoiding food that will counteract with the medicine. Also, something as simple as a dislike of the food they are being served will deter seniors from eating the food, leading to a nutrient deficit.

Small Changes Make a Big Impact

Fortunately, there are many ways that families can modify the food they are preparing for their elderly loved ones to ensure their nutritional needs are still met. One of the best ways to substitute missing nutrients is through healthy snacks in between meals. Examples of these snacks include yogurt, fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, granola bars, hard boiled eggs, etc. Caregivers can accompany seniors during meals to ensure they finish all of their food, and this also gives them an opportunity to observe the senior and identify any difficulties with eating that they may have.

Santa Clarita families trust Comfort Keepers to provide the resources and support for providing proper nutrition for their elderly loved ones. We offer meal prep services to ensure that your senior loved one is eating properly without any of the hassle or worry of cooking for themselves. If you have questions and concerns, be sure to give Comfort Keepers a call.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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